Is it possible to play city of heroes
Is it possible to play city of heroes

is it possible to play city of heroes is it possible to play city of heroes

This is the problem facing the games developer Cryptic when working out how to give its successful superhero multiplayer online game City of Heroes a dark mirror, in the shape of new game City of Villains.Ĭryptic doesn't cut the Gordian knot, just pretends that the twist of cord isn't there and prays you don't notice. Supervillains, however, are uniquely unsuited to these worlds because they want to remould them in their own image. In the shared world of multiplayer online gaming -where nothing can really change because thousands of players are with you - this is ideal.

is it possible to play city of heroes

When Superman saves the earth, he simply comes in, does his bit, and then re-establishes the natural order.

Is it possible to play city of heroes